Lucy & Sam's Perfect Brains

Sam Campbell and Lucy Beaumont's Podcast Perfect Brains feels like, to quote a commenter I search on google, as if alien's decided to create a podcast on how to act like authentic humans, without giving the secret away. The first episode was a complete and total mess, went all over the place and I can't really say what it was about except faces, and songs, and people. I imagine going forward it's going to get slightly more organized, there's going to be regular features and guests, and it'll feel more like Phil Wang & Pierre Novellie's BudPod. Because BP is a disorganized mess too, almost, they boys go all over the place, but there's a rhyme reason and structure to all of it, you have a good sense of where it is all going. You don't get disoriented, and confused on whether this is real or if you're going to miss your work if you don't wake up soon.

3/5 stars, it'll probably go up soon too.

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