One must forgive oneself

 Pardon me for I have committed grave errors.

I have forgotten to live the rules set by my own self. I have forgotten to love, and to care, to be kind, to be equanimous, to forgive.

I have forgotten to look at the mirror and say, yes man you did it, congrats, now it's two more days and we're there.

I have forgotten to smile laugh giggle, and give myself pat on the back, for just existing, and kicking it.

Omigod, that's some bullshit. I'm not good at writing inspirational stuff.

Forgive me.

O me

for what I have done

I repent for the sin of

lies, that I have told

against myself

and for

the evil I have


against my own self

oh forgive me

for I got lazy

and I got weak

for I got inconsiderate

and i got unkind

forgive me that

I surrendered

to the heresies

of the weak

and the chained,

O have mercy

for I

committed treason

against my whole self

but now

the coup is over

the forces of the state

are back

in power

order has been restored

the civilians have been granted

their rights back

and the suppressors

are being questioned

by a group of

hairy clowns

their mustaches twirling

in the air

oh dear.

This is...

not a good look.

And yet

this is life.

Is it not?

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