Yet another incredible day

This was supposed to be written a week before I left for Seattle, but things got in the way, so here we are.

On Saturday SK (the one who didn't travel) and I hung out about town. We hadn't hung out by ourselves before, so I kept the expected hangtime to two hours. Not short enough that it'd look like everybody had a crappy time, but not long to be boring, or overstay on the invitation.

So anyway, we met at 11 and ended up parting at 7.30 because both of us had other commitments.

I went to her part of the town, except she was ready to come to our part of the town because there had been a minor miscommunication. We met at the bus-stop, and took it to get to the neighborhood of our destination, Union Square. On the way in the bus, the thirty-minute busride that too us to Cambridge, and then a 10-minute near Union Square, they were super formative, because we opened up with each other like we'd never done before.

We went to this place with super cool ambience, a perfect place for an amazing date -- alas -- got two more drinks than either of us originally committed to. Threw out the mediocre pizza, she did because I didn't want to waste food, and went downstairs to get beers. After getting more drinks, we walked about town. Went to the Market Basket, and then a slow walk to Davis. Got the JP Licks ice cream, and had some departing comments. I didn't want to leave, it's not clear she was eager to go either. I took the bus to Boston, and she too went back to her place after seeing RD for a short while.

What an amazing effing day it was. How does one do this over and over again, and live on cloud nine. Hmm.

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