Onions are the secret to understanding the universe

This is practice writing, nothing below might make sense which is okay, haven't written anything all weekend long and need writing practice. Also need to get something into this blog otherwise it'll reflect embarrassingly on me. Here. We. Go.

Onions have different layers you peel one and there's another you peel that one and there's one more you keep peeling the layers to discover what is truly underneath if you don't know onions that well and think the layers are just a cover a defense for something and in the end you're left with...nothing. The covers ain't a protection for anything hun', that's all they are.

People are like onions. You think people have all these defenses up, and you don't really know their true selves, so you want to unpeel their layers know the true them and you start seeing their complexities their various layers. As you unravel them you feel like you know the person better and you're so close to their core, there main beliefs and understandings about the world and the universe that'll make it clear to you who they are and what they care for except when you finally unravel the ultimate layer you realize there's emptiness and nothing else. You could take this to mean that they are in their core empty persons, like empty containers all noise and no substance. Or you could re-evaluate your understanding and come to the realization that the layers you were so busy on discarding as their personality, as their 'self' was all they were, they were a complex layered personality of different beliefs identities and selves. When you strip them of all of those, you don't get to the molten golden core, you're left with nothing.

The same thing can be said about life, and the various natural phenomena some of us like to pretend is not explainable by science. Take life for example. You identify a bunch of chemical reactions, natural progression of various systems throughout time. You say, no this can't be life, there has to be something more something mindblowing so you unpeel the layers. You discover a different layer of complexity not necessarily much more complex than the one you were aware of but something that is vaster and runs true for more diverse systems. You analyze you identify you name the processes and the chemicals and you tell yourself no this can't be it this is just how the system interacts with the world, and you dig deeper. You dig deeper and deeper and deeper until you are left with...nothing. You're confused. Surely if you have nothing then what you are looking for must be invisible! Or unidentifiable, or somehow beyond your comprehension. You ignore the obvious observation starting at you right in front of your nose: that the layers that you painstakingly unpeeled are the real substance, they are what you've been looking for all along.

The same understanding can be applied for consciousness and a thousand different complex systems. Nature is indeed like an onion.

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