The superhero regulation act

Some people think they know everything about everything, that aliens aren't real that Atlantis isn't a thing it's a made up place, that superman and his ilk are a matter of fiction and storytelling that have backing in storytelling and mythmaking that go thousands possibly tens of thousands of years. They think they understand the human psyche and what makes it drive, what people fear and what they desire the most, and that there are forces that manipulate those primal strings to have their way.

They are wrong.

Aliens are real of course. They may not exactly be like superman capable of flying around the planet so fast time backs out, or shining their laser eyes through the planets, or xray visioning everything without causing radiation related damage to the target bodies. They're not as super, but they're pretty great. They can run faster than any mortal being can, they can jump higher than kangaroos which admittedly isn't that impressive in grand scheme of things but hey you try doing that, and they can hear minuscle sounds from really far away. And by far away we mean couple of dozen feet, even hundreds in perfect weather under the right conditions. These are amazing abilities, such superhuman capabilities. Almost alien, not found on the earth, one might say.

Of course such individuals aren't truly alien, as in they're not from a separate planet that's going to be taken over by an evil AI but also it's going to get destroyed by a totally unrelated natural phenomena and also also there's so many conspiracies going around in there one wonders how they even made it that far and why they decided to put all their eggs in that one planet's basket. Anyway that's a digression, the point is they may be born here and they may look like us, but in their interaction with the world they are nothing but alien. Can you just lift a car like that and hold it for a couple of seconds with absolutely no previous training, because some of them can, if you feed them enough and it's the right kind of weather and they're in the best of their shape. Some can even compete with really slow electric scooters for long-distance running, even the fastest 'regular' human marathon runner can't do that. So impressive. No one gives those people credit, that's what's so sad about humanity.

Not just that, rather there's a large number of people and politicians who argue that such beings are 'unnatural' in a fundamental sense, and their abilities should be made illegal. If a normal person with a jetpack or a glider isn't around to fly just like that near airports and in cities and wherever they wish, neither should a person who has wings that are inbuilt because it's just a matter of 'where' the flying abilities came from, not 'what' the outcome is. They argue that having superabilities to fire projectiles at velocities that could easily kill a man or seriously injure them at least is a dangerous ability to have and needs to be monitored and controlled. They're like the mutant committee council whatever from xmen and as we know they're the villains. Villains who are afraid of their shadows who refuse to understand world for what it is, and take it in a stride. Fraidy cats. Fraidy cats, that's what they are.

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