Wild theory: Maybe I caused all of this

The butterfly effect: a butterfly in China flaps its wings, and the changes it causes cascade on forwards to eventually cause a hurricane in Texas. Extremely small changes in the starting conditions of a system can lead to wildly different end-conditions in a closed system, such systems are called chaotic systems. There are many simplified mathematical models that help one visualize it easily.

I quit drinking in March of last year. Since then I've had a few drinks, sips mostly, but probably an average of a drink every many months, and have gone for six, eight months without drinking anything. I quit meat around then too, possible earlier. I will eat if I absolutely have to and have no other options, have been generally quite clean about that too.

Is it possible, me quitting drinking caused all of this. Because if I had drunk that bottle of beer or vodka, there would have been an extra load on the recycling truck which would have caused a slight weight thing somewhere that lead to someone not doing something, which somehow somehow didn't let the first person or persons get in contact with the creature they were gonna co-share air with, and the pandemic would never have started. The world would have been a very very different place, I'd have been in Seattle, Singapore, NZ who knows where right now.

It's wild.

It could be true, see. It's not impossible. I feel bad for making all of you suffer didn't mean to please forgive me for this. Now that it's done I'm not going to be drinking back again but we've got to work with this. Sigh. Lets see how the other decisions of mine that I thought were otherwise good for the world turn out to be. I sure hope I didn't start a world war.

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