7 Signs you secretly regret a big mistake but don't want to admit it

  1.  Can we just stop complaining about what was done and why was done and obsessing about the past and move on, be forward looking and think about the future, you say, even though it was you who made the bad decision in your crazed fervor about the past.

  2. Yes the bad decision was made, you say, but let's look at the positive side, we're all alive and breathing and won't die much earlier than we'd have otherwise died anyway, and the sky is still blue, so all is not lost, we can make lemonades out of this lemon, you tell people, even though it was you who exchanged an orchard of ripe orange trees for a dozen pieces of lemon.

  3. It's not us, you say, why is it always us who makes the mistake, you ever think other people can make mistakes too, and you know why I think it's not our fault, I think that because look how we're suffering and they're not, how come they didn't make the same mistakes we did, how is that possible?

  4. Well yes, our shelves are empty, and nobody will want to do business with us anymore without us giving serious concessions because we have lost all the leverage, but think about all the good things that have come out of it, okay, they're too many to count and I can't even start listing them all, I'll just sit down it hurts to think of so many points.

  5. Well yeah a lot of pain has come out of it, but remember, no pain no gain, so this is the pain that comes before the gain, as they say, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and we aren't dead yet are we? we're just in the process of getting stronger and sure our muscles hurt right now, but in the end we'll be so jacked you'll be thanking us.

  6. Yes, yes, our options are limited now, but think of the wage gains that'll happen when all the unemployed people who never ever intended to, nor will they ever take the jobs that we lost because they're too crappy no matter how much the wages rise, and if they rise enough they'll make us economically unviable, think about those jobs being so well-paid that our local citizens will take the jobs, and sure those jobs will last a very short time before everything gets outsourced to be globally competitive, but imagine those short few months! Glorious!

  7. We did great in the past, and we'll do great in the past and nobody can stop us, regardless of whatever completely logical, fact and evidence based, emotion-based honest good faith arguments you might otherwise present. Rule Britannia!

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