Eggs and rice, new plant, unexpected house party, disappointing night out, verrry late to bed [Fri 16]

 In the morning I really really overcooked egg and had it with leftover Jasmine rice from the night before. With kimchi and all the other addons, it was yum. For dinner stuff, had bread and butter, finished yet another loaf, and whatever was remaining of the yogurt.

In the afternoon, I delayed going to the barber or doing anything productive because I wasn't feeling too well. The group made karaoke plans at 6.30, which was ridiculous so I went on nice walk to get my steps out of the way instead. And also wrote a bunch because I knew not much was going to be written later in the night.

In the evening, brought the plant sent by PN upstairs, unwrapped it and put it by the window. It looks so good, like a real apartment!

Went on a walk with a friend that lives nearby, and then to the karaoke place. The one time I didn't have a proper ID on me, throughout my stay in this new town, they sent me away. It was a bummer. Got back in my apartment, picked up the 'port, and back to the place. Caught up with the group which didn't seem to know what the plan was, so I invited them over to my place. It was the first time I hosted anybody in here, and it was so goddamn hot! Cos' the windows were all closed through the day, it was a hot and dry greenhouse. Eventually it cooled down a bit.

Nobody had had dinner, so I used up all the packets of noodles I'd bought from Uwajimaya the night before, dumped a tonne of spices, sauces, and szechuan pepper balls, to make a really filling, healthy, spicy, yummy noodles. It fed eight people. Everybody loved it. Also mushroom and bokchoy. Everybody got high and drunk, and we headed out to the nearby club Q.

It was alright. I didn't drink anything through the night because it didn't feel like the kinda' place where I'd enjoy dancing. Talked to SK's friend, what a fun person they were! They left early at 1.30 apparently, and I was a little bit mad because I'd have wanted that as well! AR lost her phone, we spent sometime looking for it, but the rest of the gang had to go. It was 2.40. AS and I came back to my apartment, and talked until 5am, and slept in my living room, because we just slept as we talked.

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