Blind Date Episode 26 -- Meena V Asal

This is the second occasion/episode the two have been on a date, we find out from Meena in the intro. And what she likes about him is that he is NOT a businessman. They keep referring to dates as 'sitting a date', which...I dunno...maybe sure, whatever, if that's the common parlance, I refuse to believe that's the case though.

As is regular, the date begins with conflict, a potentially escalating discussion about what Meena's wearing, but she deftly handles it and defuses the situation. She's dressed cute, he's dressed like he's going to somebody's wedding covered in synthetic shiny faux-fancy clothes. 

From the comments I deduce that she's had a terrible experience with Deven, traumatized even, and is approaching the situation with great care and caution. You seem like a good guy, a decent person, not like some other horny businessmen, she tells him, making it obvious if it was unclear her opinion on the date.

He's excited that she's taking cooking classes, so he can be well-fed. Ahh Meena, our lovely compadre who's been turned cynical by the creeps in the world and decides that sanity only lies in the comfort of reliable men. I only need your love and support, don't need any of your material excesses, I can figure out the rest by myself, she tells him. He gives her a ring right as she says that, she rejects it, he raises her finger and threatens her in a manner one might scold a dog who's eyeing a big fat hunk of meat on the dinner table. She laughs it away. Are these scenes all scripted, or is there some personality of the performer that makes it through, because ooooof. Man do I cringe at this show. The conclusion of the conversation is, she returns it, and tells him to give her great gifts after they're married, but she doesn't care for gifts, mostly love.

"Classic domestic violence pattern….if he doesn’t like her he can simply leave…😒" says a commenter, I'm glad somebody else caught that, the signs have been there right from the start of the video.

I'm having trouble watching this episode because of the power dynamics, he's just so stupidly aggressive, and there's no pushback from her, she just gives and gives and gives. He does say, there's no girl as beautiful as Meena in the world, but you wonder, is that a guarantee that you're gonna treat her well?

And again, he starts dancing. I do NOT believe he's a choreographer, he's a terrible dancer, he doesn't know what he's doing, and whoever is actually choreographing those dance scenes is either a genius for choreographing dances that convince the viewer what a big fakey loser this pretend-dancer is, or it's a low-budget affair and there's really not much thought given.

Is a pane of mirror placed strategically a piece of art? What about regular mirrors? 

And then, all of a sudden, conflict. As if we needed more of the shitty behavior. He goes crazy psycho right as she gives him a rose. It seems clearly scripted, but if not, every woman on this planet needs to be ten feet away from this guy. An man. More. He needs lots of psychological help. 

Why the fuck is she still talking to him, instead of running away. Yeah he raised his hand, ready to hit her. I can't watch the rest of the video, it's not for me, yikes.

The thesis of this series, if I get this right, is that all Nepali men are monsters and should be locked up. Even the good ones, because they're just pretending to be, and you never know when their lid's gonna blow up and they turn into abusive psychos. I'm not fully in agreement with the thesis, but it does have minor merits that need to be considered.

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