Kremwerk the club: A review

Kremwerk is a club in Downtown Seattle. They have two floors, the top one closes an hour early at two, is small and a lot more chill, while the underground floor is massive, dark, loud and very intense. We were there when Noise Control played.

Loved the vibe of this place. The people there are not drunk fools, they're not there to get drunk and crash into people, or make dance circles, or try to grind against randoms, necessarily. They enjoy the music, they love the EDM vibe, which is why they're at a place away from all the other bars and clubs. This is an event, they're there to dance and drink and dance and chill at the music. This is their vibe.

It is a pleasure to be around people doing something they're passionate about and enjoy. Because they're open to share their passions with other. They have no other agenda. And their expectations from others are to dance as well. There is a vibe of camaraderie, from the shared passion. Isn't this music wonderful, what a wonderful choice we made waiting in the line for an hour-and-half this night, they're telling each other.


I didn't know different clubs had different vibes, different kinds of clubs had separate vibes. That there's rando creeps clubs -- guys and girls -- where drunk people pop into after losing their heads at the bars and gyrate around madly. They're not there for passion, their interest in the music playing may not be considerable. They just want to get fucked up and jump around. Sweaty drunk desperate people, not into the vibe, gyrating around. The music is always loud, way wayyy too loud. Clubs are generally loud, yeah, but you're supposed to enjoy the music. These clubs don't care. Because the drunks are not there to chill and listen. Jump like monkeys, that's what they do.

Kremwork is the good kind of club, for passionate people. Some day I'll eventually make it to Monkeyloft and be able to say good things about it -- it's very far away from anything else happening -- but until then, Kremwerk rocks, yeah!

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