Day naps, volunteer park outing, podcast extravaganza, night out, late to bed, very very much [Wed 21]

 Really large 3-egg and cheese and onion omlet for lunch, with half a french bread. Napped for a couple of hours after work, showered at went for a walk to the Volunteer Park. Chilled and napped on the grass for half an hour there. Listened to the Michael Scott podcast company throughout, their Ted Lasso episodes, so good.

Walked back, got my shit in order, tried writing but could get barely one post out. Had dinner, made fruit plate and drinks for A&A. A showed up by himself, we pregamed, had a bunch of snacks, and headed out to Comet. Met a couple from Cali there who were visiting, bored their heads off, went to Chacha's, chilled for sometime, unintentionally impressed a bunch of people. Called it a night, super duper late to bed at 4.40 in the morning, Eastern Time, needed to be up at 8.30 for work the next morning, yikes.

Fortunately the next day was half-off so not much was lost.

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