It's the cycle of foolishness y'all

Who knows what it means
But persist we will
Though the friend
Who won't stop complaining
Will keep reminding,
Get at it bro, get at it,
And you think,
Bruh, you're gonna get me
Beaten up
By a gang of angry young men
Recently besotted
But then
You keep going and going
Though of course
You know
That halfhearted hugs
And unexcited glugs
Of surely what must have been
Can only mean one thing
That the stars
Are not in your favor
It's time to
Why did you not
Hug her harder
The man will ask,
And you will reply,
Because she didn't
Want to,
And he,
Ever more curious,
What if she wanted it,
A final nice tight hug
Before she's on the plane
You considered that
My friend,
And you sigh,
Make a bigger fool
Out of yourself
And thus continues
The cycle of

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