The nastiest toilet I've used, definitely

 Maybe Cha Cha's is taking our patronage for granted.

Their upstairs bathroom was closed and they didn't tell anybody. Their downstairs bathroom, which doesn't have a proper door, a urinal and a commode stall, was overflowing with piss. There was a literal sea of piss on the ground, that you had to step over to piss on the urinal. Also, you couldn't do that because the urinal itself somehow 'filled up' how the hell does that happen, and it was overflowing...towards the person peeing. It was so disgusting I retched, I couldn't do it, didn't have the heart too, ran away and instead...Nothing. It's already a pretty nasty alley and everybody else does it, and it's socially accepted alright, and nobody lives there it's warehouses etc. Don't look at me like that. Anyway it was better than drenching myself in piss of a thousand drunks, or getting bladder infection.

Somebody's gotta do something about that. Our other favourite place -- quickly rising to the top now, is better because it's got really cute bathrooms and the ratio is much less of a sausage fest, often there's so many more women than guys in there.

That's it.

Sometimes though, with all this going-out business I do question the purpose of it all. Which I guess makes sense, maybe why the major philosophers etc were into drinking and partying because the following morning, the hammer of existential guilt and questioning you get is pretty terrible. So much thinking, so much evaluating.

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