A stupid Roomba is cleaning my room right now, and I'm frustrated AF

Because of the circumstances involving A moving out, S unable to retrieve his belongings, and me moving into my new place, I'm now in possession of a Roomba automatic vacuuming robot. Whoa, so advanced and modern, you might think, and that wouldn't be completely unreasonable, for that's what I thought originally as well. Like until an hour ago, when I started this goshdarned machine.

And now I fear I may have to catch it by the metaphorical ears when it runs out of battery and tries to go back to its charging location and tell it, 'yo where you going to, your work isn't done at, look at those to massive mounds of dust you created with your exhaust air and brushing, who's gonna clean that up huuuh, huuuh, no charge for you until you created the mess you created!'

I don't know what the problem is, maybe it's a super old and stupid model, but it's cleaned certain parts of my living room at least ten times, and then other areas it's barely interested in. Unfortunately for me, the parts it doesn't see interested in are the ones that need the most cleaning. And I'm like, NO NO, what Are you doing, why don't you just go to the kitchen, why did you decide to move away from there, you were in a good spot, can you please go to the kitchen like you were doing in a straight line before suddenly deciding actually know you'd rather make a 90-degree turn to an area you'd been to a thousand times already, please, pretty pretty please?

No, but what I've noticed is that good or bad, it's extremely fun to look at what the robot is doing and judge it upon its stupidity, that it's impossible to -- as I write this sentence the darned robot came right next to me for what must be the twentieth time, while missing a big fuckin island of dust in the kitchen -- ignore and let it do its own thing. The next time I'm going to leave my apartment after turning the machine on, let it figure the shit out. It'll probably have exhausted itself, while cleaning barely half the small apartment, and creating a tornado on the other half, but I'll have learned a lesson. To clean the place a bit before I get it going.

It's a frustrating, but interesting experience.

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