Foundberries: Sometime it's nice to win one

This will be a short one, because there's not much to talk about this except it happened. haah.

So yesterday a couple of us boys, and a girliedog, went to Mangusson park. Swam in the pond, etcetera, so much fun, and then played soccer with the doggo as the 'money' who'd try to intercept the ball between us.

The best part was, there were large thorny bush of berries surrounding the park. And nobody else knew what they were, and if they were edible. Except I did. Because they were Kimbu berries! Yes, the same old berries we had at our home back in Kathmandu. And I recognized, and had maybe two pounds of freshly-picked wholly-ripe berries, and that's from two plants out of the thousands there were. So many more berries to eat.

I'm confident the stomach bother that happened later in the night was due to the milk porridge I had without using lactase tablets. And yea, I pooped out all the berries then. But even if it was caused by the berries, totally worth it. I'd do it again a thousand times. Yum yum.

What a pleasant surprise it was to find fully-ripe berries nobody else knows about, from your childhood. It's nice to win one these days, even if the victories are minor.

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