Kayaking, breakfast, pike place, rest, SLU party, ChaChas, connecting with people, afterparty, gun, strange friends, home late morning [Sat 24]

Got up far, far too early in the morning, barely four hours of sleep. Made us both lunches with bananas, cheesy eggs, pico, pan toasted french bread, and mango kefir. Yum. After cleaning up and figuring out logistics out, we walked to SLU where the rest of the gang was kayaking. We got there too late, so we waited in the line separately, and got into the boats, just the two of us, Kayaked around all by ourselves, connected with the guys later, they were jumping down from the bridge, right where they put on the signs that say jumping is banned. Tried to save a duck from a fishing hook, it kept running away, we sure hope it's fine.

Took the bus from there to Belltown, bought two joints, went to Pike place market, explored it, V got lunch I got some desserts. Sat out in the park, and ate our food after smoking the joint. By now I was tired and hungover and sleepy, so we walked back home, and napped for a couple of hours.

Then we went to S's place where they were having a rooftop party. Grilled food etc, chilled, caught up with all our friends. Went in, played foosball -- I'm no good at it -- and then Blackjack. P&S and P's sister P just came back from Vegas after a couple-day-long trip, so they were really in the mood. It was so much fun, I'd have wanted to keep playing it all night long.

V was bored, so we left and went to Cha Cha's, downstairs. It was too crowded, loud, not so great, and what a sausage fest it was. There was no good vibe. We went upstairs, sat on the bar, and got talking with at least four or five people, made good friends. No exchanges unfortunately, but solid conversations. Got to know the bartenders too.

Outside the bar, after it closed we were just chillin', started talking to a guy, and kept talking. The group just got bigger and bigger until there were 8 people in there. I had to go to an alley for clearance purposes, and on the way back I made a new friend who promised to help me in strategic times were they to be properly informed about the amount and type. By the time I came back the larger group was gone, but our new friend S was still around. Finished our joint with him. Later, he met some friends of his, and took us to them. They were beatboxing and rapping out in the streets at 3 in the morning. They were really really good. After smoking and talking and listening to them, we left for home at 3.30 in the morning. V wanted to get hotdogs so he went to the stall, I chilled around, started talking to N and B, who have a doglike cat, I'd met them before. They were also talking to some other guy. We got talking, kept talking, shes' such a lovely person, and we ended up driving to their place in the other guy's car. The new guy safely tucked his pistol/revolver in his trunk, said 'yeah i won't be needing it this night', and we walked to their place. We smoked more, talked, and connected heart-to-heart. I'm really mad I never got texted back because there was connection I could feel it okaaay.

They threw us out at 5.15 in the morning, we walked home, and slept at 6. Again, didn't get much sleep.

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