Ruminating on some bullshit things about life and other nonsense you don't worry about

What have we accomplished, are the next ten years going to be the same, what if this is all there is to it, where are we going, and why aren't we doing enough to get where we want to be at. 
- Me, in the previous post

Yeah, so where are we going, what have we really accomplished upto this point, and what if, fuck this shit man, 'this is life', and all there's ever been, and you haven't been 'waiting' for something you thought you were, but all that is/was to happen has been happening. AKA this is it, there's nothing more to it, what you have seen and lived, is all there to see and live, unless you go drastically out of your life to make things different. Nobody's going to hold your hand to better things, unless you want them to also have say in literally every matter in your life, including who you can see and cannot, and how late at night you should be seeing your friends. Bummer but that's the compromise our society has come up with. In maybe related news, Free Britney y'all.

Just...think about those issues okay, like evaluate them to their utmost depths, and if your answer is ' you know what, all my life has been a preparation for my future, because the future looks very different from my past, and I"m going to straighten my act up, I'll be a different person, and live my true authentic self', just as yourself a few questions, such as, why weren't you your true authentic self all your time why were people stopping you from living your life, and what is it about the future that'll be so drastically different from the present or the past. You're the same person, you've changed through the ages, but your being is the same, and if you don't put conscious, active, and often annoying and frustrating effort into molding your into the shape you want to end up as, nothing's gonna change man. Unless you put hard work and determination into changing yourself, it'll all be the same. Remember that. And never give up.

Never ever ever ever surrender. Winston Churchill said that. And he was an asshole. Imagine the quality of sayings you could come up with if you really paid attention to things that mattered.


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