This is some bullshit post, don't even bother reading it

 The reason my timetable's messed up right now is that I'm living on one timezone schedule, but everybody is living on a separate one, which means I can't just go to bed at 11 or 12 local time, it's always 1.30 or 2.30, and get up at 9. And I do want to be out and about socially because that's what I'm in this effing town for.

Which means I'll get up exactly ten minutes before work starts...or ten minutes after, lol, and my day is over by 1.30. Great, you'll say, but by then I'll have lost the motivation to get my shit done, it's high sun outside, and I'm feeling sleepy because I got barely six hours of sound sleep, thanks to the schedule and the traffic and you know, other regular complaints. So I waste two hours somehow, sleep for three hours, go on walk for an hour and half, come back for quick dinner and another hour of messing around, and I can barely get anytime to write. Even though my whole fucking day seems empty, and it is.

What I should be doing is getting a car and driving and going on hikes every day, but thank the pandemic fucking stupid and my complete fear of being among other cars, I can't make myself. Also the um financial situation is important to mention, among other concerns. Etc.

So, yeah that's why I've been lazy, annoying, and not very good with writing lately. I know it sucks, it does for me too dear extremely limited number of remaining readers and my future self. I'm trying to get better at this, but I can't figure out the direction to take. More posts incoming on related topics.

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