Nepali politics lolololz

 Okay so ONE good and decent, senseful thing happened, because my dad said doing otherwise would have set a very very very bad precedent, and even the judges, who are you know not great and old and corrupt etc wouldn't want to undermine the authority of the judicial system and attack their feet ferociously with sharp axe.

Anyway, the lovebirds are out of the chairs, hopefully. The other piece of shit that's going to replace the uukhaaneybudo but like at least he's not going to become the next tinpot dictator in cahoots with his babe. If the other losers had any good sense, they'd throw both of the fools out of politics forever, but nobody's got any cajones, nobody's got long-term thinking.

Anywayz, yeah okay, well done hosers, for the first time in my life I read a court judgment almost halfway through. And a long document it was too, at almost a hundred and fifty pages. Everything made sense, thank goodness the courts had the balls this time around.

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