10 things that are predicted to happen as covid ends

Who's doing the predicting? Me, mass media, and a bunch of other people. Whatever, don't ask me tough questions and go with the flow, stfu.

  1. People will be marrying at a much faster rate.
    A year's worth of held marriages, plus the ones that would happen over 2021-22 anyway, plus the escalated timelines because people are realizing the world is not the safe predictable place they thought it was, and the couples that were forced into cohabitation thanks to the lockdowns etcetera, and I predict there's going to be a LOT of weddings this year. Which will further put pressure upon the remaining single population, and the rates are likely to go THRU THE ROOF.

  2. People will be boinking at much increased rates
    We've talked about this in passing in a previous post. Much like the roaring 1920's, people will be out and about, dancing partying, getting together and bopping around, much more so than regularly. The lack of human contact, and the ability to be in close proximity to other people, plus the pressure of physical intimacy thanks to all the weddings happening will create a much joyous environment.

  3. Online gaming will see increased participation, even after covid is over
    Covid has created new gamers out of hundreds of millions of people, and they're not going to back down from their regular sessions. Gaming culture will become normal, and it'll be as big part of the pop culture as television or movies are.

  4. People will go back to restaurants and bars with great vigor
    Food delivery won't be able to maintain its current rates as people realize the aura and service of restaurants is quite nice, and cities are actually great. People will eat out a lot more than they have ever done, and drinks will become fancy, experimental, and also wild. It'll be the introduction of a new era in music and partying.

  5. Cities will thrive
    This goes against logic, as people are actually fleeing the city centers right now. In very short months people will realize that actually the pandemic made an argument in favor of the cities: if a global pandemic that took millions of lives couldn't create a long-term disruption in the urban life, nothing is ever going to do it. Besides, the suburbs are lame to isolate and quarantine, and the great thing about being a human being is other people. While the rents in cities may fall, this will lead to the middle class just blossoming, the richie riches having abandoned it, and again a new culture of innovation and social progressiveness will thrive.
  6. Pets will become more common
     This is already happening everywhere as lonely quarantiners and people in isolation have been adopting pets in large numbers. This trend will only grow as people realize that to connect with other beings means to connect with other animals as well as other people.

  7. Alternative family structures will gain greater foothold
    The market will get tighter, childrearing possibly more expensive, jobs more difficult. As a result, people will realize stable relationships involving more than two fully-employed people make more sense, to start a household as well as for childrearing. Three-income households will eat the smaller households' lunch, which will put more pressure towards similar structures.

  8. Remote working will become more accepted, but physical working will be more appreciated
    The current trend of remote working won't disappear obviously since people have realized the benefits. However, since people want to be around others, particularly young people, and have a reason to talk to and make new friends, cities will become hubs to attract young people, like always. A physical workplace to work with coworkers, nice work bar, etcetera will come to be seen as a benefit. Workplaces without physical workplaces will be deemed cheap and not serious.

  9. Dating apps will see a great fall in the number of users
    Desperately desiring human contact, increasingly large number of young people will choose to go offline. They will get out of social media, or the internet entirely, as much as possible, and most definitely prefer irl meeting and dating over the online version. Various organizations and tools will exist to connect people looking for partners, offline-only. People will connect over voice or in-person, instead of texting or videochatting.

  10. People will be more conscious of environmental and public health issues
    Obvious thing is obvious. TO avoid a similar situation going forward, people might decide to keep around masks, or their hygiene habits for the long-term. Global climate change, and other issues will be given higher priority, and much larger investments will be made towards research in pandemics and epidemics, and ways to control them. Medical research will make great progress.

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