Sound sleep, butternut squash pasta, hot and cold at work, breaking bad finale, pancake bread with spread, halfassed meditation, writing catchup, early to bed [Wed 13]

 Got up at 4.45, was worried I couldn't go back to sleep. Except I did, somehow, the alarms kept annoying at 7, but put it out at 7.20, soundly slept until 8.30. One of the best sleeps I've had today too, just the melatonin is working beautifully, this could be amazing, I'm excited.

Work was hot-and-cold, the first part of the day was mostly meetings, and then a meeting that put everything I'd been upto for the last two weeks in question. Ultimately it was figured out we were in the right path, but I didn't have the motivation and focus to work on it. I didn't meditate during the day because I felt lazy and unmotivated, I guess there's a vicious cycle in there, need to get a 'minimum energy level' though. Tomorrow, I'm confident. Please gods. Need to wake up at seven and things are going to be pretty great.

For lunch I heated up my butternut-squash hummus-sauce, mixed it with pasta roommates had out as leftover, added a whole mess of Wegmans parmesan, and heated all of it. It wasn't the best I've had, but if there was some good protein besides the sauce, that'd have been pretty fantastic.

After lunch there was the 'figuring things out' meeting, and then a one-on-one with my manager, they're keeping me in the same team, and the gc process is going ahead, something to look forward there. Did minor work after that. Updated work pc which updated all the packages including emacs. That broke my workflow, where I take the emacs to org mode to insert date, and then back to regular mode. So I came up with a solution which involved ignoring org mode entirely and using the date command instead. That sped up the insertion significantly and made the flow much cleaner to debug, now I'm wondering why I even did the thing as I did originally. Anyway, wrote almost 400 words over the course of the day.

Was involved in running 'ocrmypdf' towards the end of the day because I've been downloading lots of un-ocr'd pdf's lately. That took a solid hour/hour-and-half, which took away my time to meditate and write posts. After that I talked to roommates and planned to go on my evening walk, except they were watching the last episode of breaking bad. Decided to skip the walk, listen to the finale and cook instead.

Made a bunch of millet-wheat mixed pancakes with salt and sugar. Sugar to brown and caramelize for taste, salt because I meant them to be savory. They turned out quite well, much better than I hoped. In the end I had this one large pancake that was square-shaped, folded it in half, spread a big whoop of my buttenut spread, added cheeses and rice leftovers from my roommates' mexican dinner. It was yum! So filling, and just one of them too.

Cleaned up, talked a little bit with roomies, came into my room, wasted like an hour-and-half on youtube and random websites, talked to friend N from Philly did a round of meditation, should do more tomorrow morning, and started writing. I'm now five posts into the day. I'm pretty much caught up, only one post behind the target, when I do five posts tomorrow, I'll be all caught up with little to worry about.

It's 10.50 in the evening, I've brushed, playing michael scott podcast company on the side, will go to sleep in five minutes. Good night world!

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