Pancakes, Boston walk, chillin' in the city, hang with the house, no motivation [Sat 23]

 I write this on the evening of the 24th, the Sunday. I'm not feeling super duper motivated, as has been the case for many days weeks and months recently. Not gonna make this too long because it sucks.

Woke up early, spent some time making oatmeal pancakes, had them with the maple syrup and vanilla syrup. Chilled for a bit, wrote a lot.

There was a cleaning service lady who came to our apartment to give a cleanup quote. It's 150, and then an optional 100 per month if we want to do that. I suggested to the roomies perhaps it would be a better idea once we got the deep clean it'd be a good idea for us to keep cleaning the house regularly instead of. Whatever is happening write now.

Wasted a lot of time just dickin' around. This has been the tale for the last many weeks. I'm changing, eventually. The rules have been brought in, walls have been raised. Now to execute completely, it's coming.

Went out on a walk to Haymarket. On foot to Lechmere, the shuttle to North Station from there, and walked to Haymarket. Had a buck in my pocket,  bought nothing. Written in detail about this elsewhere.

Walked to Post office square to look at the old workplaces, then to downtown crossing and chilled at primark for a bit. Took the red line from there to davis, 89 to home. Made a nice ramen soup with a tonne of fixins and bok choy, finally finished the bok choy what an achievement.

Talked to R a bit, watched the tv with them, back in my room doing who knows what. Meditated in the evening, wrote a bunch, went to bed.

After 12.

It's getting a little out of hand, the low energy situation, the lack of motivation. Thinking it might be related to diet, since sleep's been fixed. But even on days I'm full it's not that much better, wonder what's happening, will need to fix it. We'll see.


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