How about beating around the bush for eighthundred bullshit words

 Beating around the bush is a fun activity as it confuses the bystanders of one's true intentions, they know you're upto no good, but they don't know what exactly for sure, because after all there seems to be a lot of bush around -- those european women ugh, amirite, not that there is anything wrong with it, wait wait this wasn't supposed to be a lame body-issues jokes -- and you're just beating on it, maybe you don't like the bush, maybe you lost your tennis ball in there, maybe you want to plant some nice flowers instead. Eventually they get bored and move away, and you can get back to your real task at hand...which was...what exactly, why were you beating around the bush if you didn't mean to arouse suspicion, it sounds like you wanted to tell the people you were upto no good but when they didn't bother to inquire further or didn't try too hard, you felt it was good enough to have aroused the curiosity and left it at that. So lame, do you not have better things to do? Like maybe if you put a quarter as much energy in your work, they could have given you raises and promotions and things as such but nooo we want to pretend to be mysterious individuals who lead exciting lives, don't we? Don't we, you pathetic, short little man. You don't have any friends or any family or and land! Ooop, sorry I was quoting Dwight Schrute from the office there, didn't mean to get distracted from the pain point on hand.

What is so cool about pathetic short little men is that they'll often get tv shows where they're fools and you're expected to laugh at them but when you keep watching you realize no they're the real actors the most genuine people who care about other people and everybody's welfare okay now that I've hidden the real stuff in all the bullcrap, as things go, everything went well and there was as safe a landing as anybody could have asked for. There was no need to back out of anything, no doors were closed and no bridges burnt, in some cases one might have wanted certain doors to have closed but it's always the owners of the doors who chose to make it that way, and they didn't which is perfect. And when one leaves a nice note that says, you know what sure I may be a bloviating asshole who won't stop talking, here's a sweet little message and it actually means something there's nothing more to it, ta-ta I have better things to do it's great if the future is the way we want it to be, if not this was an amazing time that one wishes one could have again and one would imagine things work both ways. On the other hand, one perhaps overestimates one's ability to predict future and other persons' behaviors, and one is often surprised by the way things proceed, so it's difficult to gain an understanding of what did happen, what is happening and what will happen. On the other, other hand, it is quite possible if not likely that often many a person doesn't understand them either, it's all a growth for everybody, we're like little children running around in darkness unsure what we're doing. In that case, giving each other a space to figure things out, understand oneself, and really take forever to do things may not be as bad of an option as it is made out to be. But then, when things start happening, they really go on quick, and one wouldn't want to be left behind.

Finally, here's something interesting and wild to consider. You don't always want the full information, or even some information. Information is really bliss, and being aware of the realities on the ground can mislead you into taking short-term decisions as your emotions will get the hold of your better judgment. It is not a bad idea, all things considered to wait and bide for one's time, not unlike the main villain of harry potter's first book, though that's an ill-considered comparison. The gift was a well-considered idea, there's need to rush, things will play out in their own time.

That's where we're at. Xmas holidays were a good time for decisionmaking, overthinking is never a good idea, need to internalize that. It will be interesting to read the posts from back in October-November last year -- 2019 I mean -- and look them in the larger context in the future.

For now, the stew simmers.

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