The difference between British comedy and American, standup version

 Americans are always complaining. About how the always want to be represented, why don't they work for it, why should anybody be given a leg up, owh it's awful how you can't just talk about anything anymore, how everybody's a liberal fucking snowflake and things are terrible, guys this is not what comedy should be okay it's about punching up and even if you don't like it you'll be made fun of, that's how things work. And you know the evil people are going to misuse this and everybody's just going be offended about everything and what's going to be funny anymore even, comedy is dead, this will kill American comedy and free speech as we know it, it sucks and we should all be mindful of that, not that we're saying we should punch down, but just know we're all comedians first and you know if you're good then you're good it's not about gender or race or anything like that it's all about being funny and awesome all of that, yeah.

While the British go about, being funny. The panel shows are ridiculously rip-roaring. Aisling Bea, my favourite comedian right now, she'll just say things, she's a natural, and now a world-class actress. Last night I watched like twenty of her videos from the past as well as podcast appearances. What a classy funny lady that one. There's nobody complaining about the role of women and how women need to be put in a good place but can they get there etcetera, they're out there breaking all the bullshit barricades kicking asses and showing errybody who's the boss. As the Brits might say, the proof is in the pudding, what sweet fucking pud it is aaahhh.

That's it, there's funny and there's not funny. You just stfu and let people be funny, don't ask if people deserve to be seen, if they're going to just make fools out of themselves, ohh no no no we're not judges of taste, we need to bring in the real people. Nah. Stay wherever you are you joe rogan loving budding fascist asshole and let things ride, let people rise. Look at the Brits.

And that's also going to be the topic of the next post, maybe after a few one. What have the Brits been upto. It's going to be a discussion on how if you're a period actor inside a very large museum you should not let your surroundings get into your head and convince yourself and the world around you that this is the real world, everything else you see, the visitors are from another planet or are in period costume themselves, they're the insane ones, and you need to take back the world, because you've got all the wars and medals and airplanes and history so much history which means you must have the present too right, because that's how things work, no?

Back to the topic on point.

British podcasters are incredibly funny, the group of hundred or so comedians puttering around, going about each other's panel shows and stage shows is amazing and what a community they are, we're fortunate to have that brand of comedy in these lands. The internet has made it all so very accessible, this is an incredible opportunity, really. The British panels hows are a goddam gift to humanity, and should be treated as such.

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