Yes, I hibernated for two days, but gimme a break it was really cold

This has been a topic that's been covered in great detail in the past. I've been the butt of many a joke in this regard, and this is one of those things I consider to be my umm what's that, a chink in my armor perhaps?

It's about napping a lot and sleeping during the cold scary evil dark days of the winter, when there's not much to do, the weather's so cold outside of course you're not going, your friends are not going to come to your place either because nope nope nope not going out in the winter, that's what they're thinking as well, and the work's over, it was so slow anyway because the winter mood has caught up with everybody and you had a bellyful of rice, so what are you supposed to do now? Struggle in the cold and waste your time on some stupid meme website, or watch netflix as your head hurt, or do you give in and sleep because it feels so much warmer, so much nicer?

The next thing you know, you're up after seven hours, for a cup of water and to use the loo, you tell yourself you're up for good now, just gonna take a five minute nap and be out and about, oooh this blanket is so warm and comfy you never noticed that, wow this is amazing, and slowly very slowly at first your eyes shut down, you settle down into the contour of your bed, your breathing eases, you're aware but only barely, not any more than 30 minutes you tell yourself.

And then it's eight hours later, and you've been sleeping for the last fifteen hours you take a nice warm shower, you tell all the sleeping is done for you don't want to waste anymore time doing that, alright, but deep inside you, that's what your body wants, to sleep more, to be in that comfortable blanket and just..doze off. You resist, you must resist, but how long can you hold on for, realistically.

The last two years were kinda' my first serious pushbacks against this and they went pretty well all things considered, I barely slept like really wildly. This year's been pretty amazing, the worst thing that happened to me earlier this month was a lack of sleep, now I've been sleeping soundly until the late hours of the morning, but not at any other time.

This weekend has been touch because it's soso so cold outside, taking a walk when it is -12 makes no sense unless my goal is to, maybe prepare for the arctic walkathon. And yes, discipline, order all of it matters, but so does the physical reality, and the reality is that cold is so bad for the human body, when your head hurts like hell, it's a way of your body letting you know that whatever you're doing you need to stop, and get back to regular scheduled programming because listen here body, this is not good, alright, I won't tell you why exactly because maybe I don't know it either, but I'm not liking this, so you listen to me or I can't take the responsibility of whatever bad thing might happen.

But now that I've had many many hours of sound sleep, my motivation appears to be back, I've been writing nonstop for the last two hours, and it appears two more hours of writing are needed and I'm not afraid at all, bring it on world, lets see how you can get me, is what I'm thinking. Maybe this was all for the better, my body's attempt at resetting all the negative energy that's built up over the last month.

I slept a lot, which was great, I intend to not do that now.

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