Lazy podcasty morning, I organize and present at meetings, lost lunch, hidden evening during house cleaning, socializing with ND and PK, Quinoa dinner, hindi movie, hopes of a better future [Thu 28]

 It is 11.52 of the same day, the thursday of the 28th as I write this. I've gone through the whole gamut of emotions productivity-wise today. Earlier in the day I was wondering if I should completely abandon writing or doing anything that makes me happy or gives me long-term joy and go back to the ways of the lazy slacker, who does whatever they want, and not really motivated by anything. Not that there's anything wrong with it, or I'd be judgmental about it, it's just there's no excuse for that anymore now, you know. On evenings I smoke the gigglies at least I can tell myself oohh it's because of that, I'm feeling this and it's just hangover, whatever it's fine I'll cover up during the weekend when I'm sober. But I'm sober now. There's no excuse, which puts one in a tighter spot.

So I've been writing for an hour and a half at this point, if I do two more posts, I'll be only two behind the regular posting schedule, this is something I promised to stop doing last year, but then this year's been the worst in terms of motivation to write and succeed as a writer of any kind, so one must give sufficient benefit of doubt to oneself. In any case, something to consider is to half-ass things throughout the day. Sure I've been halfassing quite well in the night, but I should really half ass in the morning too instead of not assing at all. Why not, the time of the day shouldn't matter.

So before that we were watching Phir Hera Pheri during and after dinner, with PK and ND. Roommate BB has gone to Maine early this week. So funny movie. Before that I was cooking quinoa, which I screwed and it came off as sticky and sorta not fluffy, which is in great contrast to the last time, I'm thinking I put in too much water and moved it too much. It appears the best strategy is to let it be and fluff it up after it's completely dried out.

Had yesterday's curry, kimchi, and the quinoa for dinner.

Before the cooking, I took a nice shower after hiding in my room for two hours after lunch. During the time I spent on time-wasting sites like reddit and other tech sites, but I've realized that I'm finally done with reddit for good. With all the bs about the stonks and how people have taken the wrong lesson out of it, it is clear that my politics is not in alignment with the users of the sites, and it just makes me mad, so I'm like out for good. The only reason I've been checking is for the MA covid numbers, but that's not the only place where one can look for numbers. They've been going down quite fast anyway and in a month it won't matter.

The cleaners really did an amazing job, the floors, appliances, even our pantry was well organized, it felt good, though we should have been doing it on a regular basis by ourselves anyway.

The entire day was again full of meetings or planning for meetings, or talking to people on the chat, didn't do much coding at all, hoping to do something tomorrow. Also, got like 150 words in my personal journal at work, which is an achievement. I'm thinking the more I write there, the more I write here, so I should really go back to being more productive in that journal as well.

Didn't have a good lunch, it was lame, I think I had fruits of some sort, maybe bread, and cookies. So lame. I've been eating too much sugar, need to control the intake.

Got up at 7.30, listened to podcasts until it was time for work, signed into the app right at 9.00, which was also the time for an important meeting. Organized three meetings and presented in quite a few, I'm starting to come up as an important figure in the workplace. Feels good man.

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