The days of killer cold are here, sigh

 It is not proper form to write sigh into words, you're supposed to show the reader the sighs are happening between the words instead of like literally writing it out aloud, if I may, but there's nothing better to do.

The days have been rough, the four or five days of the past. My walks have come to a halt. And for good reason. The temperatures have been between negative sixteen Celsius to negative negative six, at the highest. Today we're going to go as high up as negative six, and it'll be one of the warmer days. It's been snowing on and off for the past week, and in more recent days the snowing has stopped as well because it's so cold the air can literally not carry any precipitation up to the clouds and fall down as rain, it'll just freeze on the ground or the sea.

It's so cold, even with the heater running always and a blanket, you can still feel the cold, you can see clouds of mist coming out from windows and's not smoke, it's just exhaled humidity coming out of people's mouths that's being frozen into white light particles instantly once it touches the outside air. If you took a bucket of boiling water and splashed it outside, it would turn into a fine mist of snow in an instant. That's how terribly cold and pathetic it is.

We were supposed to be getting some snow, up to two feet according to roommate PK, Monday and Tuesday, I was looking forward to that. Because at least with snow outside you have a justification of not going out on walks, not leaving your apartment for days, the streets are unploughed slippery and dangerous. Not so it appears, apparently the snow will turn into water late in the day, and there might be some sticky snow, but that's all there will be.

The good news is that the days are longer, there's sun until 5 in the evening, and by the time one wakes up in the morning it's alright quite bright outside. So the dark days of gloom are not an issue. It's just almost hopes, desires the cloudy dark days because at least they were warmer, with the lack of cloud the Earth loses the blanket that stops heat from escaping and we are stuck in the frigid wintery wasteland of Boston.

And despite all of this, despite everything, it could still be tolerable, if...If...the winds were more friendly. IF the windchill was on your side, if it was still, a tight fluffy jacket layered with something else and a nice cap on the head would protect you from the cruel world outside. But no, with the cold comes the biting cruel wind that hurts your head, numbs your nose, freezes your eyelashes and gets this 'throb' in your head, as if it's so cold inside, your brain wants to explode. The chill deep in the bones is there, as always, only an hour or two sitting in the warm will fully thaw you into normalcy.

The Norwegians say there's no bad weather, only bad clothing, apparently. How are you supposed to dress yourself up for this brutal windy weather, without turning into a giant ball of immobile puff?

There's going to be more content on this, stay tuned.

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