Back with meditations, Meatball sammich, relaxing break, Aldi trip, rice and dal, I visits, writing troubles [Sun 17]

I write this at 10.15 of the next morning, the Monday. It's a day off since it's MLK Jr's day. I'm feeling very well rested, and open to new ideas and things. Plan for the rest of the day is to write three posts, meditate a bit, breakfast, EAP, homebrew store trip, bottling etcetera. Also will spend like ten ish hours haha on work stuff because that's something I promised three weeks ago to a coworker.

Yesterday, I got up at 6, about, and went back to sleep to get up at 8.30 again, spent the first couple of hours just in bed. Wrote like three posts in the morning, and then meditated for two sessions, which was all of it, and more than I had done in three days.

For lunch made meatball sandwiches again, as the day before, except I let the cheese on top of the brown a little bit. And ohh too much stuff for a bun that wasn't very big. But it was so enjoyable, I may have discovered something quite good, worth exploring in the future. A butternut-squash based sauce to go with meatball on sandwiches. The good thing is it lacks the acidity of tomato sauces, it's more mild, the potential downside is it's got too sweet of a taste, but nothing unfixable.

Went hog on youtube, more reddit, but that's been blocked on all by devices again at this point. Went on a nice long walk to Aldi in the afternoon, bought quite a few things that I was missing, including my nuts and raisins, the favourite combo of champions, a nice big bag of apples, wax melter and essential oil to go with it, wooden floor cleaner, dark Aldi chocolate after months, and little knicknacks here and there. Oh I got Quinoa, which I've mentioned before, but that's something I'm excited to be playing around with. Like I mentioned in the previous post, I need to be playing around a lot more with all the different kids of grains and flours, and ways to use them up. The way various cultures have been doing it traditionally for thousands of years, and then also the way modern cuisines have been treating them.

In the afternoon spent about two hours talking to friends and family. TD in Europe, and the boys in Seattle, N went there on a short notice, invited me as well, but you know how I'm with getting in an enclosed space with a bunch of strangers at a time like this. 

After getting back from the walk, talked a bunch to roomies, foth I was over, listened to his tales and interesting stories, always a fun when he's over. Had leftover dal and rice that roommates had made, added in a bit of achaar and lime juice to give it a zing. Sometimes the simplest rice and dal can be quite comforting, though if it's more than a few times a week, on a regular basis, it gets annoying real quick. The gang ended up watching the Social Network, couldn't stand to do it, so I came into my room, wasted my time on youtube and random sites for hopefully the last time. I'm back on track with full energy, baby.

Wrote a lot of half-assed posts in the evening, at least they were done, didn't feel bad about no meditation because I'd already done it in the afternoon! The posts were bad, but at least I'm writing them, that's what keeps me sane. Went to bed at 12.30, without any chemical assistance, was afraid I'd get anxious about sleeping, so put on a sleepcast from headspace, didn't need that though, fell asleep in ten minutes.

I've mentioned this before but I'll bring it up here as well. My problems I thought were with waking up constantly, which I felt was disrupting my sleep. Now I realize waking up twice a night to use the loo is not out of ordinary, my troubles were related to falling asleep. And because of one round of disturbances, it caused me to feel anxious about not sleeping well, which just rolled into this big ball of sleeplessness. I'm feeling a lot more rested and confident about sleeping, thanks to the sleep teas, the lavender, headspace, and other tools I have at my disposal. This won't be too bad.

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