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 Prompt: "Write a story in which something transforms into something else."


I thought I wrote about water transforming into milk last week, was I tripping then or am I completely out of my mind? IN either case, I feel sleepy, the yawns are bothersome and this needs to get written so that the day-end journal can come and let me go to sleep. So, lets get it done in haste.

A butterfly from a caterpillar. That's magic isn't it?

Who do you think does it?

What's the big deal you might wonder, it's just like a small child growing arms and legs, or a baby bird growing strong wings and jumping out of its nest. Or a bee coming out of its egg, etcetera, just parts coming out of another thing's part. No big deal. Except, there's one big thing.

You see when the caterpillar cocoons itself, it turns into a total jelly, flowing water almost that you could pour into a shot glass and drink. It would arguably make the worst cocktail in history, it's possible physically, that's the state it's in. Then it recollects itself organize into parts, and soon enough the butterfly emerges out of the shell. So something happens to the liquid to become a butterfly.

What's so great about the egg birthing a butterfly, you will ask again, for were we also not little balls of nothingness in our mothers' bellies, until we got the nutrition and care to turn into small bunch of cells, and then into a larger number, until we made it out into the world. We kept growing, our heads got bigger, legs longer, brains smarter, until we got to where we are. How is that any less of a miracle than the stupid butterfly thing?

Well, one thing that we haven't absorbed among animals plants or insects even is the memory that persists between the caterpillar stage and the butterfly stage. So if you train a caterpillar to prefer some color over another for food options, or respond to certain vibrations or frequencies in certain ways, the butterfly coming out of the corresponding cocoon shows similar behavior, suggesting the creature was the same, the one that turned into the jelly and the one that came off of it. but how come, you will ask, did it not turn into total mush, pourable blob of jelly that one could drink? How were memories tht were presumably stored in the brain of the caterpillar able to transform into similar connections for the butterflies. Where was it stored, how was it stored, how was it decoded, and what else could we store like that. Can we use it to adapt for the human usecase, so you can sell 'memories' like you can do books and music, just let the individuals 'apply' it to their brains, and they become smart because the neural connections inside your brain are able to decode the message and re-interrupt right away.

It is interesting that even though the structures of the brains are so different, and the storage medium looks suspiciously simple, there's so much communication of expectations and Asian standards within different parties. As in, perhaps the butterfly could have chosen into doing less exciting or admirable things, or just blown the lid off the whole fiasco, including getting one of the major informants into jail, and making a general fool out of themselves thereafter. No, it wasn't that, sleep wasn't the issue for if had been the case, one would go live in a cottage in a land far faraway to be able to communicate them with a clear line of sight. Either tall mountains or hideously corrupt and gross creature ruled the lands. Almost like the nasty evil nonstop talking pirate we encountered for to the rest of the world..

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