Museum-dwellers need to be more careful: On the British pride

What have the romans done for us, a British person might be inclined to refer to the classic Monty Python sketch when asked of the British society's contribution to the modern world. After all, until barely two generations ago the Sun never set on the British empire, it was the center of global technological innovation, arts culture trade, and military prowess. English is still the language that connects the whole world, unlikely to be challenged until far foreseeable future. They fought the Germans, the Nazis, the Soviets, yadda yadda yadda. Good times.

Alas, but now.

What do the British have going on for them?

Let's evaluate.

It's a small rocky Island off the coast of Western France. Terrible weather. No good beaches. No good mountains worth climbing. Besides some nice grasslands where lots of sheep roam, not much natural scenery worth exploring. Their land is not very fertile, in fact it is mostly quite swampy, that's where the word 'bog' comes from. They are not very rich in natural resources relevant to the modern world. They don't build anything important or remarkable. After their exit for the EU, they are not a particularly important trade hub. Their economy is not growing at a fast pace, so they're not an important consumer base. They're not particularly into immigrants and people from outside coming in, so it's clear they're not looking to grow and expand. Their housing is unaffordable, not that there's any reason you'd go anyway since there aren't good well-paying jobs anyway. And the shit jobs they do have, they don't want to give you because they'd rather their people go hungry or pay lots of money, than let you work in there. There's not much going on in terms of technological innovation -- with the exception of perhaps a few chosen Universities, the sort of which Europe has dozens of and American tens of dozens of, even China has been developing dozens if not more. International manufacturers don't care for it because it's expensive while not having talented manpower, and the trade barriers it deliberately created make modern assembly all but impossible.

What Britain does have are old things. Old institutions, old bars and taverns, old houses, old royalty, old belief systems. The outdated belief that they're still the center of the world, that they matter, that the millitary performers who are dressed up in fancy dress outside their royal palaces somehow make them respected in the world. It's all sorta' antiquated sad even, sorta in a way old people sometimes think they're still living back in the day and mumble and grumble, complaining of how things are going to shit now. Their english is un-understandable, an artifact of a bygone era, their entertainment industry sorta' doing alright only because of the historical co-incidence that their language happens to be the one that is spoken all over. And that natural advantage too is being taken away, considering how Japan and Korea and even China now are coming up as cultural powerhouses outside of the English speaking world, and Canada and New Zealand are rising quickly as alternative centers of English based cultural export. Not mentioning America in this case because we've got to be fair at least here.

They're living in a museum of old artifacts. They've lived their for so long without looking elsewhere, they've started believing that the world inside is the world outside, their egos have grown to match the glory of their past years. Once they dare glare into the reality, the world of 2021, they will soon realize their delusions.

It could be scary, it could be rather counterproductive for us when they realize they're just shit, they're the jesters in the play and not the ruler. Wonder what their reactions are going to be.

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