To be or not to be, that's the question: people being with people

The other day we were doing a 'clip show' of sorts of the last several years in Boston and Nepal of ours lives, together and separately. But specially all the experiences we've had in our current place

Roommate PK brought up the story of one of the people we hung out with A, and our other friend S, who used to be regular guests in these lands in the days of the yore, the time before the pandemic. They were going out for sometime, and always showed up together, all was fine hunkydory. Roommate PK related to us the story of how they might have first met, and the interactions of the first few meetings.

They were invited independently it seems, they didn't know each other despite sharing the same workplace. Or maybe they'd just found each other. But they got an opportunity to talk and know the other at our place, in the large parties roommate SM was organizing. People played cards, got drunk, high, talked loudly, ate so much, crashed at night, that sorta stuff.

In any case, that evening of cardplaying, A was apparently being super friendly in terms of helping S play her hands, basically guide her from her...back...And telling her what a wonderful game she was playing, patting her, etcetera, and giving her cards, and exchanging money, all the time, which was apparently super confusing for a lot of parties involved including S because everybody else thought they must have had something going on or he wouldn't be so...aggro... but apparently...there was nothing happening, they were just talking etcetera, and it was all kinda' unexpected. To conclude though, they worked for the same place, had the same extended circles of sorts, and ended up together pretty quick.

So lets ask ourselves, how much is too much, and when do you call people off, what's a creep, must one be so...out there to be with persons of one's interest, or are the creeps far and few in-between, and they're the ones talked about because of their extraordinary approach to other people. Perhaps we relate this incident in this occasion because it worked, the dozens of times it might not have worked nobody talks about because they're just shouted or slapped away, and nobody mentions it because such things happen too easily. In this particular example, what if S hadn't ended up with A at all, we wouldn't be talking about this, it would be a case of a person getting too drunk for their own good, misreading the situation, and learning later of the consequences. So perhaps being a total creep is not the best approach. Obviously.

Where does the limit lie then, one wonders, because clearly liking people from far away, never letting them know of your feelings, hoping the universe eventually conspires to get things right but again never actually taking an action towards that, is not the ideal example either. Because that would be extraordinarily stupid. And it hasn't worked for many a man. What's the in-between situation, one wonders, maybe it's kindly and respectfully letting someone know ohh by the way I like you, and in a romantic slash sexual way, and by the way here's a buttload of poems, of the sexy-romatic type I wrote for you, ohh you like them and you think that maybe we should meet up soon, huuuh I wonder if that means you're like a really good fan of poetry in general, because it would be quite stupid to misread situations, and obviously one wouldn't be the sort to do that, just to avoid being the butt end of the conversations like the one mentioned above.

As it happens, one's going to end as a butt-end of rude jokes either way, it's better to give the other person a benefit of doubt, and still have control of destiny, than just sit around and hope for the best. Ask out, and ask often, and cull your relationships mercilessly. People and relationships that only cause pain and suffering are worth nobody's time, even though in the future they might amount to something better. Don't count your unhatched eggs, instead put the eggs you do have, in the incubator. Ohhh boi.

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