Remarkable day of clarity, brewstore visit and mistake, hellalotta writes, quinoa and squash dinner [Mon 18]

 I write this on the evening of THE 21ST, the Thursday. The days have been quite peaceful sleepwise but very unproductive in terms of meditation or writing or doing any work at all. Too many distractions. Too much history being made. So here's what I did on the Monday anyway.

Woke up pretty late, chilled around, meditated I think pretty well, don't remember I could have been lying, idk. Felt so productive because of all the writing, went out on a walk to Mass ave to the brewery store to buy the bottle filler to fill the wines. Also got star san finally, sanitizer for drink bottles because would have to get it eventually. Instead of spending four bucks I spent fifteen. Got back to discover the hose was of the wrong size so it didn't even fit.

For dinner made quinoa and roasted yellow and green striped squash. Pretty damn good I'll say. And Quinoa is so so so much better than cous cous which again i'm so surprised is just  kind of pasta? Wtf?

In the end of the day wrote a lot more, with only one post remaining to be all 'caught up' which was going to be this post. I meditated a lot in the evening, in preparation of the week, my schedule was going to be so great, I was going to be killing it in terms of productivity. Or so I thought.

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