Who's the smart one NOW

Experimental piece where every sentence ends in a question.

What? What did you say? Could you repeat that? Is that right? You can't hear me either? You don't think it's weird, that we can't hear each other right at the most important part of the project? No? You don't think it's an external conspiracy at all? But what are the chances really, of this being an actual conspiracy? Because this is a high-value project, no? The competitors might have gotten greedy and thought if we can disrupt our project without getting caught they might get a leg ahead? It's certainly possible? We may not be the smartest, or the hardest working, perhaps not even the luckiest, but we do have something going on for us, don't we? I mean, we are definitely doing better than everybody else, well most people, so we should could ourselves lucky right? Or you're thinking there's no luck in here, it's all destiny and opportunity and whatever we did yadda yadda yadda? Huh? You can't say that after building all of this, can you? I mean, that's not right at all, wouldn't it be like building up a suspense for an interesting story and bailing out in the end saying you were just learning to create tension and ambience with no intention of telling the story?

What are we, robots? Don't you wonder sometimes why we're locked inside this large tin box, away from friends and family, working towards this super-focused goal whose outcome is not certain? Like does it feel like as if we're in a dystopian movie and we're the only remaining survivors but the aliens don't want us to get out so they've trapped us into this bizzare contraption? Yes there's a lot of money but is money really everything, Brian? Fair enough, fame too, but what are we to do with fame if there's not too many people out there, no? Oh right right, I'll give you credit for that as well, they're letting us go out and back in once awhile provided we follow the quarantine procedures, but why so much hassle, isn't it even a bit suspicious to you? Well why don't you tell me what you WOULD find suspicious because you seem like a gullible fellow, dontcha?

What? Oh, so you're telling me I'm the gullible one? How do you figure? Haha it's not how that works is it, I'm the one asking the hard questions so by that logic I'm the one with critical thinking and you're the sheep here aren't you? Oh so you think just asking stupid questions isn't a sign of critical thinking? Well then Mr. Critical thought genius, why don't you tell us what your definition of smart critical thinker is? No, no, don't you get it I meant that rhetorically? That I don't actually want to listen to your definition of....? Dude? Are you alright?

Why yes? Will I admit that my ideas have never been proven right, that all I've done is crowed about without a second of consideration and thought, wondering hoping I'll be proven right one day? Well that doesn't mean I'm always wrong is it? Never heard of the saying, past performance is not a a proxy for future behavior, have you? Ohh now what, you think that applies only to financial markets in aggregate and not one persons individual behavior? Ooooh look who's defining their own words and saying now, changing the language to fit their own reality here aren't we? Have you ever considered the possibility you're the stupid one, and that you could be absolutely wrong, and I'm the smart genius one who's always been underestimated by his peers, but one day he's going to be proven right and everybody's mind is going to be blown? Yeah, no? Well you know what? Why don't you go eff yourself and suck your own...member alright? I'm done with this okay?

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