An extremely low-effort review of Goodfellas, based on the thirty minutes I watched of it here and there

This is how things are going to be like for at least another week, or two. Because eventually if this doesn't fix itself in another week I'll go see a doctor to see what's up and fix it. That's how much I value sleep over the misery. It's not complete and total pain and misery yet, but there's a good chance of it becoming one. Sleep is important people, it's more important than you probably think. Ah to be young and foolish...

So this evening I was puttering about the house making dinner, watching youtubes, just chilling avoiding doing anything good and useful because the motivation was shot to absolute hell. Roommates PK and BB watched The depahted earlier in the evening, and then PK watched Goodfellas after Bb retired to his room.

I watched it here and there, for a combined total of thirty minutes, max. Here's the review. Kinda. TO make it abundantly clear, I've watched less than a quarter of that movie, a little bit in the beginning, some of it in the middle, and the last twenty minutes. Maybe less. So don't judge, lest ye be judged. Now allow me to judge the movie.

It's pretty great. The acting seemed a little stilted, but tell that to the MPAA who gave out so many awards. It was after all a period piece, going all the way from 1955 to 1990. The period designs were pretty great. Most of it involved the events of 1963. Fun fact, making a movie in 1990 about 1963 is like making one about 1994 today in 2021, they're just as far from each other. Crazy. Where have the years gone, and why are we decaying like rotten flesh.

I can understand why it's a cinema classic. This is Scorcese at his best. It is also a product of its time and age, if this were made today, it would not have gained anywhere as much fame and acclaim. That doesn't diminish its accomplishments, but it's still important to put the movie in the larger historical context.

The thing is, we're living in the golden age of cinema and television. Movie theatres may be dying and it may seem like all the blockblusters are marvel sequels and prequels, but there's never been this many incredibly talented and dedicated people making movies, this much money being put in the entertainment industry.

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