Disenchantment Series 3 'review'

These aren't reviews in a traditional sense, there's no content, and not even judgment. Only rambling. That doesn't sell though. Sex sells, unfortunately. So all you'll get is sexed up content, alright.

I watched the series three of Disenchantment yesterday, all of it because there was nobody in the house, there was nothing to do, and it was a gloomy dark cold day. And I ate too much. After crying at the Midnight Gospel, I watched through the entire season in a matter of a couple of hours, skipping through annoying or boring scenes.

The trailers for this series make it look like a lot happens in steamland. There's two episodes of our characters in the steamland. The trailers also hint at a love affair between Bean and a mermaid, which does play out but we're cheated out of a wonderful connection by some bullshit tide etcetera. Why. Did. You. Even. Bring. It. Up. If. You. Were. Going. To. Abandon. That. Plot. Anyway. Bean, for the first time in her life, makes herself vulnerable and opens up to somebody, and they make out and hookup, sorta. It's an incredibly moving and sweet situation.

We get to see Bean be vulnerable sad, think about her future and try to figure out what she wants to do with her life. The storyline with Zog who becomes totally and completely imbecile due to intense trauma is really sad, it's not dealt with enough gravitas and it's unclear where exactly they're going with it. If it's not for comedic purposes, that's wayyy to dark, and if it's supposed to be a joke, yikes, these are awful awful mean things.

Bean becomes the Queen in Zog's absence, gets close with her stepmother, and tries to take charge of her own fate, and her country. All seemingly for no good outcome. Here's something I've found a little tiring about the series and I otherwise like it. It's running around in circles. Unless the showrunners have an amazing bash planned out where they connect everything, show a complete transition and growth for everybody, they're setting us up for disappointment. It's not 'nobody learns anything' show like Seinfeld or The Simpsons, it's got a bit of heart and continuity, so one would hope they made good use of it. We'll see.

I give it seven point five out of ten, because Elfo is so goddamn cute, Luci is adorably incompetent in his machinations, and there's some hope for Bean it looks like. Watch it if you're looking for something new on the 'Flix.

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