Fable about the elephant and the bowl

Once upon a time there lived an elephant by the name of GajaDhumma in the forest of Charkosey Jhaadi. He was a nasty piece of work, if there was ever one, and literally nobody liked him, not even his own family, or friends.

Anyway, this one time he was eating a bowl of rice, and he really needed to take a dump, but there was no toilet nearby. And he was not the type to shit out in the open, because he was snooty and thought that was just something wild animals did. I'm a civilized being, he thought, I ain't shittin' in the woods, don't want ants or mice or small rodents up my ass, he thought. But he needed to poop so bad. So he did something what to him sounded like a really good idea. He decided to shit into the bowl he was eating from.

To cut a long story short, he didn't clean the bowl well after, contracted stomach diseases, suffered for many months before dying of multiple organ failure triggered by infection.

Moral of the story: Don't shit where you eat.

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