Seven times you thought it was over, but WAIT THERE'S MORE

1. Those ads where you were like, oh wow this knife is so cool, it can cut through a can of coke, and cut through a shoe, and sounds Japanese I should get it, even though you knew it wasn't actually japanese, and just as you were about to take your credit card out, the presenter tells you THERE'S MORE, and for the SAME PRICE, for offer VALID FOR ONLY TEN MORE MINUTES, he'll add three more of the same knife for the same price. So you're actually buying four really sharp knives, wow!

2. That thing in Parasite, where you're like, owhh shit, damn that crazy guy is dead and he killed one of our family people, but at least the trauma will be over so soon but NO, then the wildness begins and the father kills the other man, everything runs, and the ending is quite sad, no?

3. The movie Hereditary where you're expecting it all to be psychological, or some sort of regular thriller situation, and now that everyone is pretty much dead, there's no wild things happening, and you lower your guards, and that's when BAMM they hit you with the fact that basically the entire movie was a conspiracy, and all the deaths were planned and all these creepy cultists are behind all of the killings, and there's so many wilder things that might happen.

4. When you thought you had had enough of the fart, but you let lose a bit more, but ooops, it wasn't a fart, what a mess, now you need to change and take a nice long shower, and potentially do hand-laundry as well as laundry-laundry so very soon.

5. One of those meals when you're totally completely full, you can't eat anymore, no matter what they give you, and then somebody brings this sumptuous dessert or savory dish, and wow you feel like you could eat another meal, and sometimes you do! You love to do it once a while!

6. 2016-2020. You think things can't get any worse, and then the waves keep on coming and coming and coming and coming.

7. One of those weekends where you're tired to begin, and plan on not doing much, but somebody invites you for a party whatever, you think of showing up for maybe an hour or two, and coming back, and are ready to head home, and something happens, and like eighteen hours later, you look at your watch and realize, oops, you've been partying nonstop, WOOOO!

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