Amazing self-portrait drawn, cancelling plans, sick and long sleep to recovery [Mon 20]

oats and eggs for breakfast, the most amazing selfie at the art class, feeling sick, cancelling plans, a long afternoon nap, quinoa, tj's rice and thenthuk mixed for dinner

Writing this on Thursday because three hours of yoga classes suck the hell out of my energy level seeing as I'm just starting out. It's okay, there's only one more week of classes. And then summer ones. A few months of these classes and I'm becoming a legit yogic practitioner huh.

On Monday breakfast and oats. Work was so-so, drawing class was incredibly fulfilling. We drew self-portraits, and mine was pretty remarkably similar to my appearance. Not perfect by any means, but the change in one's abilities is becoming clearer by the week and month.

Back home I made plans with friends from school to meetup. Sat down to write and felt a bit queasy, like wanting to throw up. So unwell. Called them to cancel the plans, cancelled the yoga class, and decided to nap a little bit. Slept for five hours, 5-10pm, had dinner, and went back to sleep at about midnight.

Dinner was quinoa, tj's rice and rye with thenthuk. Threw out the remainder of thenthuk because that batch's lasted too long.

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