Yoga classes for Spring are ending for 3 days, I'm sad

After almost a month(!) -- yikes -- of taking yoga classes, my body has begun to get used to the bends and stretches and the general vibe. As in, I'm not completely and overwhelmingly knackered at the end of the day, after the yoga classes. Obviously my body is still human and there's always some leftover soreness, but without that what's even the point of 2-hour classes, you know? I'm excited about how I approach yoga in the future. There's a yoga in the cathedral thing that happens every week nearby, but that's not enough.

That is of increasing importance though because my yoga class is ending in three days. The quarter is ending at UW, and with that my recpass membership. The instructors told us next week would be a limited special schedule, and after that no yoga classes for several weeks. Don't know if my body will revert back to its old lazy, inflexible form, or if that is going to be a period of recovery but also muscle formation, and the next quarter is going to be even better.

I have of course brought summer yoga before. They are offering it, and I'm taking it. It's quite likely going to be an average of 5 or so classes a week instead of 10-or-so that I'm doing right now, and the timings they offer might not work to my benefit. In which case it's possible we will have to explore electrocycle and the rest. It's not a big deal, so be it!

Over the course of the last four weeks, I got to know all of the instructors, who they are, what they do and so forth. With another quarter of yoga in my cap, the relationship is going to go stronger. I also had 'workout friends' and while we didn't really talk much (at all, really), eventually this is how social relationships blossom. We must keep our minds, eyes and ears open. Open ourselves to the possibilities the universe has to offer!

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