Spring yoga is over. Thoughts, beliefs, evaluations

I have been unable to write anything at all for four days in a row. So. Very. tired. By too much food on some occasions. And too little at other times. Too sleepy sometime. Too active at others, far too much energy.

My body must be recovering from something. Such as YOGA.

Let's talk about Yoga. My Spring yoga classes are over. I paid 150 for the quarter, went only for a month, and attended about 25 classes, paying $6 a class on average. It was a better attendance than I had 'feared', and I had quite a lot of fun.

It's clear at this point that my primary workout is going to be yoga. It's going to be the grounding workout that inspires me to work harder at everything else. Which is why I'm going to be taking yoga classes in the summer too. Perhaps just one class a day, but that's enough!

But what until then? Thinking of taking local classes, or doing it at home. 45 minutes a day, no commute, and workout's a workout. It's not as good as in-person classes, but it'll be fine. It won't be as nauseating or intense as at-home pushups etcetera.

What do I think of yoga now? It's brilliant. It'll help me gain strength, it'll help me gain better balance and flexibility.

Love, love, love it. The initial investment was an amazing idea, what a revelation that was!

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