Texts and catching up with a dear dear friend from way back, illustration and picnic at Seaward park [Sun 12]

tea-biscuit and rye-beans-mancuarian-achar brunch, long series of chats with old friend sst,  at Seaward park with PS and R, small picnic, drawing a bunch of illustrations, imperfect roti and egg for dinner

Writing this on Wednesday because energy levels and mental state all over the place as of late. It's not even about the schedule anymore, the vibe is off. Maybe something in the air, or perhaps a change in seasons that the brain's adapting to? Regardless, onwards!

Brunch was tea-biscuit and rye berries with beans leftover, the manchurian leftover and achar. Cleaned the house a little bit, and had a long series of chat with friend SST who's in the east coast and the plan is to meet her in a couple of months.

Tried a couple of spoonfuls of chhyang to finish the remainders, it may have fucked my mood for the week ahead. Just as I was about to leave after cleaning up the kitchen, friend PS called and we made plans to go to the Seaward park. R and he showed up and we drove down to the park. The boys had brought beer and chips, I had some of the chips. It was a nice little picnic by the lake. I drew three illustrations from observation, one of which was actually quite decent. If I keep up with this, improvement is surely not that far away!

Missed both the yoga classes because I was talking to PN in the morning and hurt myself, and in the evening we didn't come back from the park soon enough. It's okay, not a big deal!

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