Ordering from sayweee for the first time

 I ordered from Saywee the online Asian retailer for the first time yesterday. Ordered like $75 worth of items, but they gave me a $10 discount, and free shipping plus no added costs, so it came out to like 60ish and a bit more. Ordered a large jar of kimchi as well, I'm eager to see how big it is because I might have significantly overpaid per volume.

Their prices for eggplant and bittergourd were insane and not worth giving a second thought. But everything was pretty reasonably priced. A slight increase from my regular grocery store perhaps, but not by that much more. And the effort it saves me is incredible, gotta remember that. Plus they gave me free 2-day delivery. If I'm impressed by the quality and amount in tomorrow's delivery, I will definitely consider ordering from them again. The costs in terms of fees are probably going to make future orders prohibitive, but I'm keeping an open mind, who knows maybe this will turn out in my favor for a change!?

Will update on how it turns out, but for the moment I'm quite excited on getting everyday groceries delivered to the doorstep! It's been such a hassle to go to Hau Hau and bring many many pounds every two weeks or so. Guess taking the bus is always an option...but still...

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