Beyond the self: external causes of last week's distractions, and possible future ways to deal with them

I listed a bunch of reasons last week on why the last two weeks I have been low on energy and drive and motivation, and haven't really been writing much or doing work on my website etcetera. While they are all valid, here's a few more reasons external to myself that must have caused it too.

1. Too much of 'interesting' news happening. There was the memestock craze, and the bozo clown's car company crashing and burning. It was really hot-off-the-presses news that I really really couldn't avoid. It probably led me to use more of reddit etcetera, which caused hell to break lose.

2. Generally reddit etcetera had been under control because of multiple layers of protection in my network devices and the browsers themselves. Because of recent changes at work and at internet, some of those protections were useless, so my self-control was harder to impose.

3. The library books I'd borrowed for all these weeks were starting on their 'return journey' all at the same time, which made me feel like I was losing control. I didn't feel the need of, or the thought to 'download' those books and retain them long-term because this didn't feel like a big problem at the time.

4. The rent deadline was potentially taking lots of mindspace.

5. Work projects were lame.

6. I was traumatized by the couple of recent murders on random people and the violence of the unhoused druggies that's been happening in the neighborhood these past few weeks.

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