Double yoga, early to office, homemade pesto, yogurt bloats [Wed 22]

fruits and oats with tea-biscuit breakfast, yogurt and quinoa-eggs for lunch,  early commute to office, two hours of yoga, homemade pesto-pasta for dinner

Writing this on Sunday afternoon, not a big deal, just a slight disappointment.

Had fruits and oats with tea-biscuit for breakfast. Lunch was quinoa-eggs, and yogurt, separately. Went to the office pretty early on in the day, I can utilize my meetings to complete all the chores, and be ready for departure right as they're done. That way I can be there every day, write, be productive, meditate etcetera. The more I'm at the office, the better I'm at personal productivity, therefore office must be a must.

Went to two hours of yoga, as has been the standard. I really should stop eating semi-solid yogurt before my yoga class as it bloats me up and uhh reduces the ideal experience with everybody else. I had to use restrooms between my classes and it was a bit silly. So very tired by the end of the second class though.

Dinner was pesto-pasta with peas and leftover frozen vegetables. Classic struggle meal, there's nothing else in my fridge kinda situation, but what can one do, really?

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