First day after vacation, productive day, evening naps, improvised dinner, surprise writing, trouble sleeping [Mon 4]

Got up at 7ish, didn't do anything productive in the morning because didn't feel energetic, and also it was the first day of work so. What I did not feel was afraid and anxious like everybody I know was feeling, gotta give props to the meditation for that one.

Work was quite productive, in at 8.30, until 5.20 almost. Had an hourlong meeting at 9, and then a few more for the next few hours, got all tasks in my plate done after lunch. Barely wrote anything in the very personal journal I maintain, which is a good thing. But then I could start writing, it's just fifteen minutes out of everyday, but the fact that I couldn't even make myself remember is pretty good I guess.

For breakfast I had peanut butter and bread, with a healthy serving of 2 pears cut into thin slices. Yum! Didn't get much time to enjoy meal during the day because of work, need to make that a priority going forward.

In the evening, write after work I felt too tired and gloomy because I hadn't had enough sleep, the previous night I'd ended up sleeping late and all the sleeplessness had added up. Headache. Instead of writing or walking or meditating, napping in the evening would be a good idea. So I napped for two hours, and another hour in-and-out, as I listened to old episodes of how did this get made.

Got up groggy at nine thirty in the evening as roommates were going to bed. Scrounged up the fridge, got the rice out, heated it in microwave as I fried up an egg. And then it was...kimchi, raw onions and tomatoes, sour cream, cheese, soy sauce, and sesame oil. With an egg on top, obviously. Yum! It was better than most 'regular' meals most people have normally.  I should write more on this, should maintain a recipe collection of sorts for myself and close friends and family. People could not just 'survive' on the easy meal, but they would thrive, rock and roll on it. Maybe what was missing was more carbs, so some beans, but the egg was hefty enough. It was amazing, really.

After the meal felt rejuvenated, decided to do five or ten minutes of meditation just to keep the streak alive in the app. And then it felt so good, the meditation totally worked! I wrote four posts, big long ones, before trying to go to sleep at half past twelve.

Didn't work. Tried really hard, but didn't go to sleep until two, maybe even later. Problem was, I had all these thoughts coming into my head, and they wouldn't leave, and it was quite a battle, perhaps this is where I should have whipped my app out. Should really use that going forward, can't make myself do it though. Also I stopped drinking water at five in the evening to avoid the twice-a-night bathroom trips I've had to do recently.

Fell asleep at hopefully a short while after 2.

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