Water into milk

Prompt: Write a story in which something transforms into something else.

Look at this, the magician exclaimed, water into milk! I put water into this funnel, and see, see how this happens, it turns into milk! Now I invite all the interested audience members to check for it yourself. Yes sir, you you, the lady there, yes ma'am please come to the stage, and...yes y-yes, you too sir, the one who's been waving his hands for the last ten minutes, yea yea clearly this is your cup of tea...a nice warm milk tea, hahaha, if I may so myself, please come to the stage all of you. Yes yes make way, ladies and gentlemen please make way.

Alright, welcome welcome members of the audience to the stage where you will be able to verify for yourself, and the sake of the other audience members that there is no trickery going on here, that this liquid, the one I'm pouring down right now, is indeed water, and this liquid, this white flowing river, is indeed rich cow's milk one hundred percent natural and whole, so it'll make your bones strong and make you tall. For the sake of our audience could you verify that you've never ever seen me or my associates before, and this was not planned. Yes, thank you, and sir, you too!?

No, no I've never seen this man, he's a magician I came rather skeptical, but I'm curious about what he is doing, which is why I was waving my hand so furiously. Like most of you I don't believe that this man can change water to milk, he probably has some sort of chalk or something like that inside the future, which is turning the water into the color white. I will verify for you exactly what it is and how it works, don't worry members of the audience, I won't disappoint you.

Great great, what a showman we have in front of us! Oooohh and he's even waving at the audience, great great, just the perfect partner I could have asked for what great performance, thank you sir, why don't we start with you then, since you're a skeptic. It will give you a longer time to decide and figure out my trickery. Here you go, you have two cups here, can you show to the audience members that they're empty, by showing the insides? Thank you! And can you, by the weight of them, tell that they're empty, and there's no trickery in the cops!? Great great, what a guy, this one, the perfect assistant for me I'm telling you!

So now I want you to do this, sir please come this way, this way. Now, hold both the classes outside, I will pour some water into this glass, and from the same container, pour down the liquid into the funnel. Ready to hold it under it? Yes, great great, okay okay here it goes, pouring down the transparent liquid which is water, and out comes this...thing, okay, that...that is enough now, so I'll be stopping here. Sir, could you test both the glasses, and tell our audience what they taste like, please.

Hmmm, this one tastes like normal tap water. Maybe it's a bit rich in iron because I can taste that reddish flavor, you sometimes get with 'red' water, and you know the smell of the blood but this is definitely water. And this one hmm hmm, let me think, let me taste more, this could have been somehow mixed thoroughly in the filter using advanced gadgets. No, nope, it seems legitimate, yup, I think this is most definitely milk, quite thick too I might add, very good fat content, I'm liking it very much. This would be great to make some ice-cream or extract cream to make some ghee, this would be quite great, actually. Yes, the magician is speaking the truth dear audience, this is milk and this is indeed water.

Fantastic! Fantastic! And there you see, we have our skeptic friend informing you, that there's no trickery involved, this is indeed me using magic to convert milk into water! A big round of applause for our friend here please! Thank you, can we do an even bigger applause, for longer?! Yess, that's what I'm talking about, brilliant, thank you so much, thank you so much, this is a great audience, perfect, perfect folks! Thank you sir, you may now go back and take your seat, you have done beautifully, congratulations!

I have a question for you?

OOhh a question! Yes sir, you can't ask how I do this, because this is the magician's code, but please ask anything besides that hahaha! Let's give another round of applause for our curious friend here folks, he's done well tonight!

Well, if you can convert water to milk, why are you doing these menial magic tricks, you should be using economies of scale to create vegan milk, and driving the cowmilk business out of business. You could be saving the environment, protecting the animals, why are you here, doing these little shows, making not that great money? Easy billionaire, in dollars even, I think you could be, I can help you get there, maybe you need the right connections, yeah?

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