Chased by greatness

Prompt: You've been given the opportunity to go on an adventure with two famous people (dead or alive). As the adventure unfolds, it becomes clear that those two famous people plan to kill you. Write a scene about that adventure, who the famous people are and what you do to escape death.

I wished the history books had talked about how spry these men had been back in the day, because I, a healthy man in his prime could not keep up with these great men, well past their youth. They weren't youth exactly, but it was quite surprising, shocking really, to see them running at their pace, with the heavy weapons in their hands. I thanked the gods I hadn't had too much of the dinner before figuring out what they were up to, because I wouldn't have lasted five minutes with a bellyful of rice.

Their personalities too, there must have been some grave error made, for this was not the men I was expecting. Choose the two greatest people to get dinner with, they said. Oh and it can be people alive or dead, they told me, and it took me no time to come up with the response. The person who had ended the British entire not through violence but non-violence, the symbol of harmony and tolerance, Gandhi. His words would teach me to be a patient, kind man I hoped, perhaps I'd be inspired to do some great deeds myself. And the second man was of course the smartest person of all time, somebody who had been in communication with Gandhi back in the day, and someone I could easily communicate with in English. Einstein. Of course.

They weren't as chummy as I hoped at the beginning of the dinner, and that got me thinking right away. And very soon I could make them conspiring against me. It's unclear at this point who made heavy weaponry available to them, or taught them to operate those, but as I run for my life, as my legs grow tired and my head spins, there are better things to ponder upon than the exact logistics of the weapons that could very soon be the end of me.

Einstein's figured out my trick, he's waiting for me ahead. Of course I didn't imagine they'd last too long running around the house, my plan was to tire them out enough until I could tall a buddy and drive off. Call the cops, have them arrested, and get back to my everyday boring life. When I wished for an interesting life, this was not what I had in mind, that godawful cursed lamp is what must have led to this. I'm never buying items of suspicious magical abilities from antique dealers of questionable provenance. Ever ever. This was just too much.

I run across the street as the cars zoom past inches away from me, honking, drivers shouting curses. Einstein's waiting for Gandhi to stop running around like a lost puppy dog, so I've bought some time there but I'm afraid he knows where I'm headed for next. I call my best friend Ravi, huffing and puffing, tell him there's two madmen dressed like historical figures after me with dangerous weapons, and I need him to pick me up right away. He's at the ice cream place anyway, he tells me, and he's going to be right on. He tells me to wait by the park gate, he'll be there in three.

I look across the street, they're catching up their breaths and formulating a plan, I can see them scheming in hushed voices pointing at me. I run away like I've got my tail on fire, cutting across people's yards and jumping the hedges, to deny them proper line of sight. Right as I get my the Park, Ravi's car slows by, and I get into it. I call the emergency line, and tell them about the two hooligans threatening me at our address. They tell me they've dispatched cops immediately, and it's going to be fine, they advise me to not go back until the cops take care of the matter. Like I would ever.

We drive out of the town, cutting through yellow lights, and a good hour later I call back the emergency line. They tell me the two men were apprehended for posession of unlicensed arms, for threat of violence, and public nuisance. Apparently they couldn't produce identification either, and were being sarcastic in front of the cops, so they were going in for a good time, they said. Who knew Gandhi could be so petty! We drive back slowly, I buy Ravi a nice dinner.

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