Arrival of packing cubes, fried rice with tahini sauce lunch, arb-interlaken-volunteer round with podcasts, lots of writing, ChaChas hang early night in, PB&H dinner [Wed 17]

 I write this on the the day after this.

After work I had fried rice with tahini sauce, pretty good, love the texture tahini gives to the rice. Also the packing cubes came in and I was super excited to explore packing with them.

Wrote in this blog for a couple of hours, after like almost ten days, and yes I've promised and complained about how so on and so forth but I do care and revere writing let's not joke about that anymore, and it's a commitment I've made that no matter what is going to be kept, it's just when I'm busy the timings will be shifted around.

Listened to a bunch of long podcasts, including off menu and the tarantino podcast during my walk to arboretum, interlaken-volunteer. It took longer than usual because my knees were still recovering and I was picking a lot of berries as always.

In the evening after the walk I made a peanutbutter and honey sandwich, smoked up a bunch and went with to caphill cider to hang with the guys. It was super pcked and the guys had left so we tried going to barboza but it was closed so we ended up at chacha's. It was kinda empty and lame and despite smoking a lot I wasn't very high and the conversations weren't really flowing. We called it a night before midnight, AKS wanted to come to my place and smoke a bit but I'd cleaned the house earlier in the day and the compost situation had stuck up the entire apartment and all the essential oils combined with the trash smell had made my apartment smell so weird so I didn't want to entertain him.

Back home I smoked a bunch more, tried to write, talked to people and maybe reddited a little bit dear gods give me the energy to get away from that goddawful website and do productive nice social things to make more friends so I won't have to go there, won't have any time. Slept pretty decently.

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