Lazy day, ramen lunch, walkabout, volunteer walk, I try to hang but sleep way too early [Fri 26]

 Didn't get much or anything done at work, as has been usual for the past few weeks. This was the first time I realized maybe there's something wrong with me physically, is it possible that I've got diabetes and it's making me week and lazy and unmotivated? It can't be ruled out without at least considering, right?

For lunch I made ramen with the green curry tofu from the previous week, added spicy chilly flakes with oil, mozzarella cheese and fried garlic on top, yum yum yum.

After work played some age of empires, chilled, read a bunch of news and youtube, I've been watching a lot lot of youtube after getting that newpipe app...gotta curtail it, I should really make a rule about how much I need to stay away from the house, methinks. Really spend as little time in the house as possible. Gotta work on that.

Since I did a whole lotta walking during the day, I went to voluteer park, read couple of chapters of dracula, flirted with a cutie pie tarot card reader and came home. Had something good for dinner, I want to say it was...smoothie.

In the evening I wanted to write but couldn't because I was so tired, but I was gonna go to Barboza. And Sb and Aks had signed up. But it didn't work out. Because I went to sleep at like 9/9.30 etc.

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