The Unified Command meets His Majesty

 The three inspector generals and the two chiefs were in the meeting. And so was the general who was leading the unified command at the time. Everybody was nervous. They'd talked about it among themselves, but it wasn't clear what His opinion on the matter was going to be. Would he try to get rid of them, imprison them and bring somebody else to do his bidding? history suggested he was not, that he was a regular person, a civilian who had zero appetite for such violence and provocation, but one could never be sure. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, they knew..

The King walked in. They stood up and bowed at him.

After initial pleasantries the director of the Unified Command brought up the uncomfortable matter.

He cleared his throat.

"Your Majesty," he began, "we must take an alternative approach to the...existing situation. It is not just the provocateurs or terrorists now, there's hundreds of thousands of people of Kathmandu. And it is not good for the morale of the troops to order them to deal with justified show of force. Your Majesty, since the time of the High King your Forefather, our nation has been quite peaceful. Your late brother, His Late Majesty did propose to declare the state as a zone of peace. It is not in our nature to be overly aggressive. Even during the ongoing rebellion, while both side have seen unfortunate losses, what we have seen in terms of violence is nothing compared to other countries, even India. Even terrorists and communists with weapons are restrained in their attitude towards violence. It is not in our cultural DNA to kill people, to beat them up en masse. We are not like other countries, we are not china, we are not...other places, oppression and brutality and mass scale is not in our vocabulary. And we are quite proud of that. It is all thanks to yourself and your forefathers who have set the expectations that we, as your enforcers have followed. We cannot let the current situation continue as it is. We cannot shoot at the protestors your Majesty, we must find alternative ways to deal with the scenario. While we security chiefs have been unable to identify a good political solution, perhaps members of he Privy Council might offer alternative solutions to the matter. We acknowledge the fact that it might cause your Majesty displeasure at our failure to heed to your desires, and we have prepared a joint document of resignation in case Your Majesty wishes to replace us by those who might be able to execute your commands with greater efficiency."

The King spoke after a long pause.

"We have understood what you all are saying. We will not be accepting your resignation, it might be better in the interests of all the parties for the document to be destroyed. We will consult with the Privy Council on the matter and find political solution to the current scenario. This nation was built by my late brother and our father and forefathers, and we will not take any action to hurt the image or the sanctity of the nation. You will trust us when We state that any outcome of Our decision will be appreciated by our subjects. We want to thank you all for your comment, and want to dismiss the current meeting."

Everybody stood up. The King existed the room and everybody else waited for a few minutes to exit.

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